Family History and Indexing


Saturday, March 5, 2011

February Stake Statistics

February Stake Statistics

The Stake Statistics are very good. Everyone is doing a great Job.  The main thing we have to focus on in order to reach our goal of 1/2 million names this year, is consistency!!  Each person signed up to be an indexer needs to index some names each and every month. It all adds up. Please help us reach our goal in 2011.
If you went to Stake Conference last week-end at the OKC Stake Building you may have seen the Poster I created to show the Stake's Progress with the Indexing Program for this year. If not, then look for it on the wall across from the Family History Center. Some people said it looked like an old United Way poster and in a way I think we are all united in our Indexing Way.  Thank you to all who work on indexing and arbitrating those names.

These are the numbers for the Month of February for the Stake, listed by Ward:
Clinton                        7154 indexed
Edmond First:             7362 indexed, 1047 arbitrated
Edmond Second:         1446 indexed, 197 arbitrated
OKC Fifth:                  4485 indexed, 2396 arbitrated
OKC First:                  7839 indexed, 818 arbitrated
OKC Fourth Branch:    
OKC Third:                 5542 indexed, 3567 arbitrated
OKC University:           716 indexed
Quail Creek:                5800 indexed
Village:                        2246 indexed 34arbitrated
Woodward Branch:         53 indexed 

Top Indexing Ward in the Stake in February

Oklahoma City Third Ward

With three indexers doing an average of 1847.33
names each!!   Congratulations Great Job!

Clinton Came in Second with four indexers doing an average of 1788.5 names each. Good Work!!

If you wonder why the OKC First Ward, who has the most indexed names each month, never makes it to the top Indexing List it is because they have the most indexers. There are  19  active indexers so they  index an average of 412.6 names, each, a month. This is a good example of what more indexers can do.  As a Ward our goal for this year should be to add 1 new indexer a month. Do you know someone who would be interested in indexing?

Don't forget the FH Conference Next Saturday, March 12th at the Stake Center in OKC. Starts at 8:30 am - 4:00 pm. Indexing Classes are at 11:00am and again at 1:00 pm.  Ward Indexing Specialist's Training is at Noon in the High Council Room.

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