July Indexing Statistics
The Stake Inidexing Statistics for this month have been pretty low. I think the hot weather has gotten to all of us and I am thankful for the little bit of rain, and cloudy weather that keeps the sun from making it so hot this week-end. Hopefully, we will all get back to indexing at our normal rate so that we can realize our Stake Year-end Goal of 750,000 names. We have 317,729 to go.
As a Stake in the month of July we indexed and arbitrate 42,017 names. Each Wards contribution is listed below; indexing and arbitration are added together:
Clinton 334 names
Edmond First Ward 10,328 names
Edmond Second ward 1484 names
OKC Fifth Ward 3133
OKC First Ward 3488
OKC Fourth Branch
OKC Third Ward 2434
Quail Creek Ward 4080
Village Ward 216 names
Woodward Branch 6520
Ice Cream Social Challenge is still on-going Edmond First and Edmond Second Ward will be having a combined Ice Cream Social on September 16th.
Wards that still have the opportunity to have an Ice Cream Social for their whole Ward are: Clinton ( 19344), OKC Third (16414), University Ward (1366), Quail Creek Ward (31198) and Village Ward ( 17226).
I do know that the Quail Creek Ward is looking at the Month of September as the month that they Beat their Magic Number of 31198 names and win their Ice Cream Socail. GO QC !!! Working together as a Ward helps you reach that goal. Weekly reports on their progress will be sent to Apirl Garwood, who is the Ward Indexing Specialist. She will keep the Ward posted on the progress.
Top Ten Stake Indexers
As a new incentive or new challange for all indexers in the Stake we are announcing a new goal.!!!!
The Top Ten Indexers, that includes indexing and arbitration, in the Stake during this year, will have the opportunity to have dinner with President Graves . This includes the indexer and their spouse, or a friend of their choosing if they have no spouse.
Location and date/time will be decided and announced later.
Every month's indexing statistics will be summarized and you will be notifed if you make the list. This is just another way to say thank-you to those who are working the hardest each month. Please know that Everyone will be acknowledged for their efforts at year end. We appreciate all that you do for indexing in the Stake. Each name is important.
My Accuracy
Have you tired it yet??It is not a grade, but it will show you how often your indexing work and the final arbitration values match. You will be able to tell if there are areas you can improve.It helps you to see if any of your batches were returned and what you did wrong.
Did you know that you can mark values for Review. That means if you are sure you read the project directions and field helps correctly, but the arbitrator still changed your value you can request that it be reviewed. Remember that this is a team effort and Arbitrators are volunteers as well. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts or positive comments. Headquarters uses that feedback to track data and to recognize trends.
Thank you for the updates. I love the new accuracy tracker! Also, I'm sure the numbers have been lower mostly because the us census is done. It takes longer to do the batches that are available now. Do you have access to "points" as well as numbers? They might be more motivating.