BURR! It's cold outside (January 2014)
Stake Indexing Year End Totals 2013
583,126 names
Arbitrated and Indexed
Totals for each Ward for the Year
- Clinton 20,697
- Edmond First 49,849
- Edmond Second 55,691
- Okc Fifth 34,578
- Okc First 71,681
- Okc Fourth Branch 383
- Okc Third 53,665
- University 300
- Quail Creek 119,780
- Village 64,907
- Woodward Branch 76,352
Youth Totals for the year
- Edmond First 4577
- Edmond Second 464
- Okc Fifth 2239
- Okc First 3865
- Okc Fourth Branch 157
- Okc Third 1773
- Quail Creek 3273
- Village 15,974
Primary Indexing
- Okc First Ward 164
- Quail Creek Ward 223
The 10 top Indexers and Arbitrators will be announced this year at Stake Conference, Saturday night session, this month.
Thoughts about our efforts
I am very pleased with the efforts that you all made with Indexing and Arbitrating this year, and I thank you for every name that you indexed or arbitrated. Our Stake goal for 2013 was 2 Million names. Maybe that was too high. As you can see we did not make that goal. As a goal oriented person that was a little disappointing to me. I could have worked at it a little harder but I didn't. Sometimes life gets in the way of our best intentions.
We had 311 Stake members who indexed this past year, out of 683 who have signed up to be indexers. I am trying to think of a way to help those who are not indexing become active again. How can we encourage them to want to index again?
In a letter from the First Presidency in 2012 it said, "[Church] members are encouraged to participate in indexing, which is Vital to family history and Temple work". Vital can mean essential, or important, but other meanings include Energetic, Vigorous and Vibrant. Vital was an interesting choice of words for the First Presidency to use.
I can agree that indexing energizes family history work. There are times when I have seen patrons find a record of their ancestor that was only available on the computer because someone had indexed it and then arbitrated it. If watching someone feel that joy of discovery of an ancestor was the only gift we would receive that would be wonderful. But indexing is the "Gift that keeps on giving", and it blesses the lives of those who give the services as indexers and arbitrators by turning their hearts to the family and to the Temple. Once you have a testimony of eternal families and Temple ordinances you are hooked on Indexing.
2014 Stake Indexing Goal
This year we are setting our goal on 1 Million names. We did it before and we can do it again. I have faith that our Stake is capable of reaching this goal. This year there will also be changes coming about the way we Index. These changes will start sometime in the New Year.
I am going to be attending the RootsTech 2014 Conference in Salt Lake City in February and I will be learning what all of those changes will be. They will be rolled out during the year, not all at once. Starting in February there will be some Indexing Days at the Family History Center for anyone who wants to come and index or receive help. Hopefully this will be a monthly event and all are invited. Dates and times to be posted later.
Look for information on the Indexing program on this blog or go to the FamilySearch Indexing Blog Page or the face book page, to read the latest news.