Arlington Cemetery, Arlington,VA (taken by Pamela Brown Reid 2014)
Stake To Honor Top 5 Indexers and Top 5 Arbitrators
Mark your Calendars for January 30th, a Friday night at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM for a social to honor the top 5 Indexers, top 5 arbitrators and the top 5 Youth indexers in our Stake. These indexers and arbitrators and their families are invited. The Top Indexing Ward, Quail Creek, is also invited. Listed below are the names of those who made the top 5 list. (Next week the year end report will be posted for your Ward.)
Top 5 Indexers: Top 5 Arbitrators:
Jessie Crawford, Edmond First Judy McGraw, Edmond First
Nora Muzingo, Quail Creek Gene Bushman, Village
Erin LeBlanc, Village Mary Butts, Okc 5th
Wilma White, Okc 1st Charles Howell, Quail Creek
Donna Saxon, Quail Creek Colette Datin, Quail Creek
Top 5 Youth Indexers
Courtney Wilkinson, Village
Bailey Ingram, Okc 5th
Emma Aquino, Okc 1st
Vanessa Aquino, Okc 1st
Falyn Crawford, Okc 1st
I would like to personally thank all of the Indexers in the Stake for their hard work in 2014. Indexing is a great way to Serve the Lord, from home. The names that we index and arbitrate, provide researchers, perhaps ourselves, with the opportunity to prepare to take our ancestors names to the Temple.
Gifts: A Progress Report from FamilySearch Blog
August 4, 2014 by Katie Gale - a summation
FamilySearch recently announced that they have one billion images of historical documents available on-line and viewable on Of that amazing number only 22 percent of them are indexed. We still have a lot of work to do, so that we can easily search for these documents. The people at FamilySearch are working hard to make the best use of volunteers' gifts of time and talent.
Most of the advancements are coming in the new indexing program, next year, but there are several things that you may have seen already. Recently I have downloaded batches that are called "Single-key indexing projects". This means that simple projects, like typewritten records, that are indexed accurately by most volunteers, will only be transcribed once, by one indexer and will not be arbitrated. The quality will be monitored closely and if the quality of a project drops, a peer review or arbitration process will be added. You can tell if you have downloaded one of these batches, by reading the message that pops up when the download is completed, just before you start to work on the batch. When I get one of these batches, I take my time and check for typos before I submit it. It appears that your accuracy is the key factor in determining if you are eligible to index these "single Key" batches.
2015 Stake Indexing Goal
The Indexing goal for our Stake in 2015 is more than a number. While we would like to keep our 2014 goal of 1 Million names, indexed and arbitrated, we are also going to encourage our Stake indexers to prepare Family File names to take to the Temple. Each Ward gets a report from Salt Lake on how many members are doing family file names at the Temple. The percentage is not very high for our Stake. We would like to see an increase in that number as well as in our Indexing results for 2015.
Last week at the Temple, President Hanson told us that he has been asked by the Temple department to increase the number of "Family Baptism Sessions". It seems that this special time, for families at the baptismal font, has been very successful and Salt Lake would like to see more time given for parents to come with their children and family names.
As a result of this, President Hanson is adding 8 more Family Baptism times to our monthly schedule at the Oklahoma City Temple. He said he will add these extra family baptismal sessions, starting in February, early on Friday nights and on Saturday afternoons, every week . The exact time of these Family Baptismal Sessions will be announced later. There is no need to make a reservation, just show up with your children and your family file names.