March Madness Challenge
Begins Today Feb 24, 2013 !!
President Baclawski at Awards Social Feb 23rd.
The March Madness Stake Indexing Challenge was announced by President Baclawski at the Indexing Awards Social Saturday night. The Challenge for the Stake is to index 500,000 names from Feb 24th ending on April 6th, General Conference week-end. That gives us 10 extra days to make our goal. Each Ward/Branch will have a goal of 45,455 names. With 11 units participating, in the Stake we should be able to to that.
In addition to that announcement President Baclawski also added a new challenge for all of the youth.
Rock Climbing at OKC Rock Center
For each youth who can index 1,500 names in the same time frame as the Stake Challenge, Feb 24th - April 6th, he will take them to do some indoor Rock climbing in Oklahoma City.
Looking for a new project to work on that isn't too difficult? Try the U S Resisters of Enlistment in the US Army 1798 - 1913.
The hand writing is easy to read, their are usually 40 names in a batch and not many data items to enter.
Here is an example of where you will find the data fields on the image,circled in blue.
Here is an example of where you will find the data fields on the image,circled in blue.
- You may have to add some lines, but do not delete the original 40 lines. I
f the image does not have 40 records then mark the remaining lines as blank. All blank lines go at the end of the batch. - You can find the full names of enlistment places in the Project Information - click on Summary Updates. spell out all abbreviations. Try googling them to see how they are spelled.
Pres SF, Cal = Presidio San Francisco, California
Ft Slocum, NY - Fort Slocum, New York
Ft Assinnboine, MT = Fort Assinboine, Montana
R I Ars, Ill = Rock Island Arsenal , Illinois
Col Brcks, OH = Columbus Barracks, Ohio
Jeff Bkcs, MO = Jefferson Barracks, Missouri
I.T. on these kinds of records means Indian Territory.
I.T. on these kinds of records means Indian Territory.
If you get a list of Indian Scouts and you can't tell if they listed a Surname or a Given name. Put the name in the Given name field and mark the Surname as blank.
Call your Ward Group Administrator, or the Stake Director 405-367-7159, or Salt Lake City 1-866-406-1830 for help.