Nauvoo Temple - Stake Youth trip in July
The May Indexing was the best we have ever done as a Stake. The efforts this month are a big credit to each of you for your hard work and devotion so that those people can now have their Temple work prepared. As you well know this work is directed and inspired by the Spirit of Elijah see (Malachi 4: 5-6)You are all angels in the service of the Lord.
154,307 Names in May
574,944 Cumulative Names in 2012
Contributions by each Ward or Branch:
Ward # Indexed # Arbitrated
Clinton 6922 2600
Edmond 1st 7264 7160
Edmond 2nd 2105 13600
OKC 5th 3142 20560
OKC 1st 7407 17417
OKC 4th Branch 441 3320
OKC 3rd 8017 2920
University 210 0
Quail Creek * 14100 12991
Village 847 0
Woodward Branch 5040 14470
Youth Edmond 1st 1800
Youth OKC 5th 120
Youth OKC 1st 800
Youth OKC 4th Branch 1045
Ice Cream Socials
Congratulations to the Edmond First Ward for passing their Magic number of 14,085 names. They did a total of 14,424 names which means they will be having an Ice Cream Social. All dates for the Ice Cream Socials are pending an update from the Stake Presidency.
Let you know as soon as I know. We are looking forward to coming to your Ward for this activity to show our appreciation to all. Wondering what your Ward/Branch's magic number is? Just read my Blog for April and you will find it. Or email me and I can tell you.
These really are my great aunts, photo taken in the 1940's in Philadelphia ,PA
1940 Census Record on Family Search Update
1940 Census Record on Family Search Update
There are now 14 states available to research on Familysearch thanks to all of the World wide Indexers.
The newest ones released are: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Vermont