Family History and Indexing


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Salt Lake City Temple Taken from the roof of the Conference Center Aug 2011

General Conference Week-end
March 31st - April 1st
1940 US Census Project begins in 5 days
Join the historic national service project to index and preserve the records of the "greatest generation". Are you or your parents to be found in this census record project? These records will become available to indexers on April 2, 2012 and it would be nice to see all of the Oklahoma City Stake Indexers working on this project.
Things to remember as you the index 1940 Census
  • When you index the residence fields, you should correct misspellings and expand abbreviations,  If you can do so accurately.
  • If "Same House," Same Place," or "Rural"  was recorded in any of the residence fields, type just what you see in the City or Town of Residence and mark the county ad state residence fields BLANK ( Ctrl B). That means the person lived in the same house or same place since 1935. It does not mean that every one is living in the same house on that page.
  • If the household number field was left blank on the census form and the census taker recorded a new street address in column 2, mark the household number as blank; do not copy the household number from the previous household. 
  • If a relationship was recorded as "Wife-H" in column 8, do not index the -H; just type Wife in the relationship field.
  • If you see roman numerals used for a title or term (such as "V" for 5th), use the lookup list to index the correct roman numeral in this field.
  • Do not expand names that have been abbreviated, such as Wm to William.Type what you see.
  • If you are unsure whether a name is a given or a surname index it in the given name field.
The Data Entry area is set to 40 records. Some pages have less than 40 records so since all entry lines (40) have to be accounted for you must mark blank lines using Ctrl +Shift+B , or click the "Mark the record Blank" icon at the top of your data entry area. Record the blank lines where they occur, not all at the bottom.
To Try your hand at a practice batch download a "Simulation Batch" when you are in the Indexing Program. Only do one batch as they are for practice only and you may notice that they are all the same.