Family History and Indexing
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
A Quick way to Get Help Indexing
- Make a telephone call to the person you would like to help you.
- Open the indexing program and select "work on Batch" to open the batch you are having a problem with.
- Click on 'file' at the top left of your screen.
- Click on "Share a batch"
- A number will come up on your screen in a little box.
- Give that number to the person on the phone.
- That person will go to 'File' and click on "Receive a batch" and put in the number you just gave them.
- Your batch will open on the computer of the person helping you. They will be able to see what you are talking about and to offer advice. You make the change or addition in your batch and you are finished.
- The person helping you will close the batch and next time they log in they will get a message that the batch you were sharing with them is not available.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Helpful Name Hints
- Type the most complete version of a name
Please take time to scan the entire document. In one place, the name may be C.H. Johnson. In another place, it may be Chas. H. Johnson. In yet a third place, the name maybe written as Charles Henry Johnson. Type only the most complete name
- Titles and terms do not go in the Given or Surname field
Titles such as Jr., Sr., Mrs.,Miss, Senor, Senora, Don, Dona, Captain, Dr., or terms such as Unknown, stillborn, twin, or infant are entered in a Title or Terms field if it is available as a column in the project.
- Punctuation in Names
Include punctuation that is part of a name: like O'Rourke, if it is written on the document. Do not include punctuation such as a period after an abbreviation or other punctuation that is not normally part of a name.
- Abbreviations
Sometimes names are abbreviated or a portion of their letters are written raised above the rest of the name, resembling a ditto mark. Type what you see, typing all letters on the same line. Do not guess what the abbreviations stands for unless directed to do so by a specific project.
- Maiden Names
Maiden names are considered surnames and should be typed before the married name in the Surname field. If you cannot determine if a name is a given name or a surname, type the name in the Given Name field.
- Indexing "Mrs. John White" :
When a woman's name is recorded with her husband's name instead of her own (such as Mrs. John White), look throughout the record to see if her given name is included elsewhere. If it is, index the most complete name that is recorded (such as Amanda White). If it is not, mark the Given Name Field as BLANK, and index the last name in the Surname Field. Do not index titles or terms such as "Mrs" in either the Given Name or Surname Field.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Indexing Tip:
- Go to VIEW and click on Adjust Hightlights
Yellow boxes with red borders will appear. Click and drag red boxes into the corners of the border to fit your image. To turn off this feature, click on Adjust Hightlights again.
2. You can use the CTRL key as a shortcut to simplify your efforts.
Press and hold CTRL, and move the mouse pointer over the area where the highlights should be. The highlights will appear just as though you had selected Adjust Highlights from the View menu. Release the CTRL key when you finish adjusting the hightlights.